February 2025


Archive for November, 2006

deck the best buy

sense :: smell // incense burning It’s been quite a week, I have to say, although the break for the holiday was more than welcome, it was absolutely necessary. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t get a couple of days off and away from the office. Even though they’ve since […]

and here comes the holiday season…

sense :: taste // more mojitos I made a pitcher of mojito this time, to be savored over the coming days and weeks. Delicious. Besides, I had a bunch of mixer left. So the holiday season is upon us; next week is Thanksgiving, and a good long four-day weekend for me. And yet, with the […]

of mojitos and mint

sense :: taste // Mojitos, thanks to Stirrings Simple Mojito This weekend, so far, anyway, has been a whirlwind of activity, and it doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon. Friday we barely had time to grocery shop and relax before crashing out for a long long well-needed night of sleep (I haven’t slept […]

observing pumpkins

sense :: smell // oatmeal I kind of got my wish for a relaxing, quiet, immobile weekend at home this weekend, and I’m grateful for it. A beer or two, some homemade bar food for kicks, and it was a pretty laid back and relaxed Friday and Saturday evening, complete with as much sleep as […]

poets and sunglasses

sense :: taste // Peach Tea Halloween came and went, and Raevyn surprised me with a Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney pumpkin, of which I’ll provide photos of shortly, I promise, and some treats and goodies from the Halloween party that she went to. I was a homebody that night, staying at werk late to bond […]