sense :: taste // honeyed green tea It’s been an incredible couple of weeks. Partially in simply how incredibly busy I’ve been both at the day job and freelancing; I just turned in a massive article for Tom’s Guide (a branch of Tom’s Hardware) that I hope will be published soon. I also wound up […]
sense :: sight // Hanaji – Opening Sequence to Maria Holic Lately I’ve been absolutely in love with a couple of different anime, although I’ve only been able to see snippets of both of them because they haven’t been widely released in the United States yet: ToraDora!, a series with a plot that could very […]
sense :: hearing // Starlume – Save Our Lives So I’m home, no travel plans in the immediate future – I’m not even entirely sure if I want to spend the money to go to PAX East if I don’t know anyone else going (although I’m sure I’d meet a ton of awesome people), but […]
sense :: taste // holiday toddy (rum-flavored) coffee I’m making a note here. Huge success. Seriously – I’d be lying if I said that my trip to New York City wasn’t the best vacation I’ve had in years, and even that might be understating how wonderful the trip was by some margin. I had an […]
sense :: taste // lemon pepper barramundi It’s been a long long week, not to mention a long weekend, but I managed to finish a lot of things in the past week that I’ve been meaning to get done for months now. I’ll make another announcement tomorrow on the big news so I don’t spoil […]